- Manfred A. Jeusfeld: SemCheck: Checking Constraints for Multi-perspective Modeling Languages. In Dimitris Karagiannis, Heinrich C. Mayr, John Mylopoulos (eds.): Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling - Concepts, Methods and Tools. Springer, 2016, pp. 31-53. (doi, diva).
- M. Jarke, R. Gallersdörfer, M.A. Jeusfeld, M. Staudt, S. Eherer: ConceptBase - a deductive object base for meta data management. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 4, 2, 1995, pp. 167-192, doi:10.1007/BF00961873.
- M.A. Jeusfeld, C. Quix, M. Jarke: User Manual. Available online
- Bernd Neumayr, Manfred Jeusfeld, Michael Schrefl, Christoph Schütz: Dual Deep Instantiation and its ConceptBase Implementation. Proc. CAiSE 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece, Springer, LNCS 8484, 503-517, 2014 (doi, postprint, diva).
- M.A. Jeusfeld (2011): A Deductive View on Process-Data Diagrams. Proceedings IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Method Engineering, Paris, France, April 20-22, 2011 (postprint, slides).
- Jeusfeld, M.A., M. Jarke, and J. Mylopoulos (2009): Metamodeling for Method Engineering. Cambridge, MA, 2009. The MIT Press. Chapter 3 is available as pre-print from
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