
Keywords: ConceptBase, constraint, integrity, Semantic-based Modelling, Telos

Affiliation: Manfred Jeusfeld, University of Skövde, Sweden

Conceptbase.CC Forum

The ConceptBase Forum (CB-Forum) is a workspace where ConceptBase users and developers share documents and software. The main sections are

  • HOW-TO: This section contains a lot of examples on how to solve certain modeling problems with ConceptBase and how to use the various features of the system.
  • Questions & Answers: This is an interactive section where questions to the ConceptBase community can be formulated and answered.
  • Software: This section contains among others the latest ConceptBase release and some useful utilities for ConceptBase. Most programs are distributed under a Creative Commons license.
  • Articles: This section contains copies of some papers related to ConceptBase

Users of ConceptBase can get full access (incl. write access) to the ConceptBase Forum. Just write an email application to manfred.jeusfeld(at)
As soon as we have processed your email application you can fully access the CB-Forum to share your documents/software with other ConceptBase users.