Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modeling (MEMO)

Keywords: Domain-Specific Modeling Languages, Meta Modeling, Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modeling

Affiliation: Research Group Information Systems and Enterprise Modeling, University of Duisburg-Essen


Research Publications

Overview Articles

The following introductory articles summarize the conceptual foundation of MEMO and describe the capabilities and design process of the ADOxx implementation, MEMO4ADO. Publications concerning specific MEMO modeling languages and advanced aspects of meta modeling are listed in the categories below.



Specific MEMO DSMLs

The following articles describe the domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) of which MEMO is composed. The publications discuss theoretical backgrounds of the languages, describe related design processes, and present complete language specifications, including meta models, additional constraints, and in-depth explanations of all modeling concepts.

MEMO GoalML (Goal Modeling Language):

MEMO DecisionML (Decision Modeling Language):

MEMO MetricML (Performance Measurement Modeling Language):

MEMO OrgML (Organization Modeling Language):

MEMO ITML (IT Modeling Language):

  • Heise, D. 2013. Unternehmensmodell-basiertes IT-Kostenmanagement als Bestandteil eines integrativen IT-Controllings, Berlin: Logos.

  • Kirchner, L. 2008. Eine Methode zur Unterstützung des IT-Managements im Rahmen der Unternehmensmodellierung, Berlin: Logos.

Background and Advanced Reading

The following publications discuss advanced aspects of MEMO (e.g., the meta modeling language MEMO MML) as well as the (historical) background of the method.

  • Frank, U. 2011. “The MEMO Meta Modelling Language (MML) and Language Architecture: 2nd Edition,” ICB Research Report 43, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen.

  • Frank, U. 1994. Multiperspektivische Unternehmensmodellierung: Theoretischer Hintergrund und Entwurf einer objektorientierten Entwicklungsumgebung, München: Oldenbourg.

  • Frank, U. 2002. “Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modeling (MEMO): Conceptual Framework and Modeling Languages,” in Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: 7-10 January 2002, Big Island, Hawaii, R. H. Sprague, Jr. (ed.), Big Island, HI, USA. January 7-10, 2002, Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society.

Current Research and Future Directions

The following articles discuss directions into which future developments of MEMO is headed. In particular, this includes transfering the modeling method to a novel modeling paradigm—multi-level conceptual modeling—for which tool support is underway.

Installation and Setup

In case the video tutorial on the Tutorial page is not compatible with your older version of MEMO4ADO (before MEMO4ADO 1.0), the following document guides you through the process of installing and setting up older versions of the modeling tool: