Japanese Creative Services

Keywords: Context, Culture, Service Science

Affiliation: Kyoto University, JAIST


as a Next Generation Enterprise Modelling



  • Part 1: What are Japanese Creative Services?
  • Part 2: Japanese Creative Services and Open Model Initiative


Part 1: What are JCS?

JCS(Japanese Creative Services) are defined as high-quality, value-added services based on high-context communication (natural, cultural, historical things) and emphasis on the sustainabillity of the business.


1.1 High Context Communication: A Basis of Sustainable Businesses

What is Context?
  • Information such as background knowledge, relathionships, and/or the clues for interpreting the semantics
  • Ex. "A bank near the river", "Pick it up!"
  • Content vs. context
What is High-context Communication?
  • Communication based on the tacit, shared knowledge (usually, within the same community)
  • Non-verbal communication
  • High necessity of "reading between the lines"

1.2 "Omotenashi" as an Essence of flexibility in the Hospitality

  • Heart of Japanese Hospitality
  • Behave "X" with "Y", in the high context communication environment (where "X" and "Y" are variables)
  • Meta-context and late binding:
    • Meta-context: Aggregate patterns of operation structure
    • late binding: Allocate concrete data at run-time (service encounter stage)
    • Cf. unbundling/re-bundling, meta-context and early binding (manuals, credos, etc.)

1.3 Value Co-Creation Patterns based on Communication Types

"Sessa Takuma" Value Co-Creation
  • Utilizing implicit information of either or both side of the co-creation process


Part 2: JCS and OMI

2.1 Aim

For handling JCSs’ characteristics more generally, we develop a modelling method where we divide up service communications into regular handling and exceptional ones. This method is based on utilizing early/late binding concepts in programming, i.e. early binding is for regular handling communications and late binding is for exceptional ones. Especially to depict implicit communications like “Omotenashi”, we need to prepare a kind of abstract concepts as a template (“Kata”). We can understand more detailed information related to the relationship of templates and the actual outputs in service communications by analyzing them based on class/instance structure.

2.2 Concepts

For representing regular/exceptional communications in JCSs, we develop a Service Communication Model on the ADOxx modelling environment which consists of:

  • Service Communication Instance Model (SCIM)
  • Service Communication Class Model (SCCM)
  • Service Communication Sub-Instance Model (SCSIM)

2.3  A Service Communication Model for representing regular/exceptional communications


2.3.0 Making Data and Data import into the environment


2.3.1 Service Communication Instance Model (SCIM)


2.3.2 Service Communication Class Model (SCCM)


2.3.3 Service Communication Sub-Instance Model (SCSIM)