A simple use case
In the following, we demonstrate the usability of RUPERT in the fictitious case of an automotive bank. We consider the process “ending of leasing contract”. The techniques are applied following the logical sequence the roadmap builds on.
In a first step, the process is visualized in a very general way using the SIPOC Model. By that, a common base for the communication of the process is established for all participants. In our fictitious process, the car is returned by the customer. Afterwards the car value is assessed and a bill is created. The bill is then handed over to the customer.
CTQ Model
In the CTQ Model, the customer requirements (Voice of customer - VOC) are collected and core statements are derived. Based on these results, critical-to-quality factors (CTQs) are formulated which represent the project goals. In our case, customers complain about long cycle times of the process for example. Therefore, the reduction of the process cycle time to 5 working days is defined as a project goal.
Performance Indicator Model
To measure the process performance, performance indicators are to be formulated. To this purpose, the Performance Indicator Model is used. It allows to define the performance indicators and to operationalize them. In our case, for instance, a performance indicator to measure the holistic process cycle time can be formulated. This performance indicator can be further decomposed into two performance indicators, each of them focusing the cycle time of a partial process. Additional performance indicators, e.g. to measure call center availability or the number of working errors, may be defined.
Measurement Matrix Model
Using the Measurement Matrix Model, it can be determined which performance indicators measure the degree of the project goal achievement best. Therefore, the previously defined performance indicators are reflected against the CTQs from the CTQ Model. In our example, it becomes obvious that the cycle time performance indicators are well-suited to measure the CTQ “reduce cycle time to 5 days”.
Data Collection Plan Model
To organize the data collection, a Data Collection Plan Model is set up. In that context, it is determined who is responsible for collecting the process data. Furthermore, the data sources to retrieve the data as well as the timeframe for data collection are specified.
Data Analysis
An interface to the statistic software "R" enables to analyze the collected process data straight away. Control charts, histograms, boxplots or scatterplots can be easily generated to visualize the current process performance. Possible weaknesses of the process regarding the project goals as defined can thus be quantified.
Ishikawa Model
The Ishikawa Model helps to systematically identify and categorize problem causes. In our example, the causes for long process cycle times are identified and assigned to the 4M-categories “Man”, “Machine”, “Management” and “Material”.
Affinity Model
In the Affinity Model, solutions to overcome the problem causes are developed. The solutions are prioritized. In our example, a solution found to reduce cycle times is the introduction of adequate software. Further, the training of employees or improved process documentation is suggested.