The workflow editor allows the reference of ROS Service (Server and Client), Topic (Publisher and Subscriber), and Message as the minimal function modules. Inter-module means of connecting are automatically determined based on ROS Message types. The Message modules are used for type conversion when the values of specific fields in a composite data type are connected to the entries of other modules. PRINTEPS provides knowledge based reasoning, speech dialogue, image sensing, motions, and machine learning modules based on ROS.
PRINTEPS Workflow example: defining compositions of instances of services and processes including instances of the modules
The following video is a result of using the ADOxx-based PRINTEPS modelling method with the PRINTEPS environment from KEIO University and a NAO robot from the University of Vienna.
The following video is a result of using the ADOxx-based PRINTEPS modelling method with the PRINTEPS environment setup on University of Vienna (OMiLAB) infrastructure and a NAO robot from KEIO University.