MultiModal Interface Modeling Language

Keywords: assistant, multimodal interface, smart home

Affiliation: Coop. Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt & Carinthia University of Applied Sciences


  • Ströckl, D. (2019). Multimodal Interface Modeling Language – from a Metamodel to an assistive and flexible User-System Interface. Innovationskongress 2019 – Smart Living Forum, Villach, Österreich.
  • Ströckl D.E., Mayr H., (2019). “Multi-Modal Human-System Interaction based on MCA.” 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Integrating People and Intelligent Systems Proceedings 2019. San Diego, California USA.
  • Ströckl D.E., Mayr, H., (2018). „MCA Driven Interaction Interfacing“. IARIA – Ambient 2018 Konferenz, Athen, Griechenland.
  • Ströckl D.E., (2018). “Scenario based Development Approach towards a Multi-modal Interface Presentation Meta-model”. Innovative Solutions for an ageing Society. Proceedings of Smarter Lives 2018. Innsbruck, Austria.