Learn PAd - Model-Based Social Learning for Public Administrations

Keywords: Automatic Quality Assessment for Learning Contents, KPI for Learning in PA, Model-based Learning, Ontologies for Learning Contents in PA, Social Learning for PA

Affiliation: EU Project FP7-ICT-2013-11/619583

Area of Application

  • Model-based Learning
  • Process-Driven Learning
  • KPI Modeling for Learning in PAs
  • Learning Contents in PAs


In modern society public administrations (PAs) are undergoing a transformation of their perceived role from controllers to proactive service providers, and are under pressure to constantly improve their service quality while coping with quickly changing context (changes in law and regulations, societal globalization, fast technology evolution) and decreasing budgets. Civil servants are challenged to understand and put in action latest procedures and rules within tight time constraints. Learn PAd provides an innovative holistic e-learning platform for PAs that enables process-driven learning and fosters cooperation and knowledge-sharing. Learn PAd technical innovation is based on four pillars:

  1. a new concept of model-based e-learning (both process and knowledge)
  2. open and collaborative e-learning content management
  3. automatic, learner-specific and collaborative content quality assessment
  4. automatic model-driven simulation-based learning and testing

Learn PAd considers learning and working strongly intertwined (learning while doing). The platform supports both an informative learning approach based on enriched business process (BP) models, and a procedural learning approach based on simulation and monitoring (learning by doing). Formal verification and natural language processing techniques will ensure quality of content and documentation. Specialized ontologies and KPIs will be defined to keep learners engaged, while automatically derived tests will challenge their acquired knowledge.