Decision Model and Notation

Keywords: DMN

Affiliation: KU Leuven


Specification Document:

  1. Object Management Group (2016): Decision Model and Notation v1.1

Scientific Papers:

  1. Laurent Janssens, Ekaterina Bazhenova, Johannes De Smedt, Jan Vanthienen, Marc Denecker (2016): Consistent Integration of Decision (DMN) and Process (BPMN) Models. Proceedings of the CAiSE'16 Forum, at the 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2016), vol. 1612, pp. 121 - 128, CAiSE'16 Forum, at the 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  2. 4th International Workshop on Decision Mining & Modeling for Business Processes (DeMiMoP’16), held in conjunction with BPM 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 18-22 September 2016
  3. Thierry Biard, Alexandre Le Mauff, Michel Bigand, Jean-Pierre Bourey (2015): Separation of Decision Modeling from Business Process Modeling Using New "Decision Model and Notation" (DMN) for Automating Operational Decision-Making. Luis M. Camarinha-Matos; Frédérick Bénaben; Willy Picard. 16th Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PROVE), Oct 2015, Albi, France. Springer, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, AICT-463, pp.489-496, 2015, Risks and Resilience of Collaborative Networks.

Use Cases: