
Keywords: BPMN, EPC, ER, PetriNets, UML

Affiliation: University of Vienna


Case Study:

  1. P. Burzynski, D. Karagiannis, W. Utz, I. Vaidian, The "IMKER" Case Study - Practice with the Bee-Up tool (2022)

Books and Book Chapters:

  1. D. Karagiannis, H.C. Mayr, J. Mylopoulos, Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling, Springer (2016)
  2. D. Karagiannis, R. Buchmann, P. Burzynski, U. Reimer, M. Walch, Fundamental Conceptual Modeling Languages in OMiLAB, Springer (2016)

Scientific Papers:

  1. D. Karagiannis (2015): Agile Modeling Method Engineering, 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI) 2015, 01.-03.10.2015, Athens, Greece, ACM NY USA, DOI:

Tool Demonstration:

  1. P. Burzynski, D. Karagiannis (2020): bee-up – A teaching tool for fundamental conceptual modelling, Modellierung 2020 Short, Workshop and Tools & Demo Papers, 19-21.02.2020, Vienna, Austria