Structured Entity Relationship Modeling Method on ADOxx

Keywords: data modeling, entity relationship, postgresql, relational model, sql

Affiliation: University of Bamberg

Area of Application

The area of application of the SERM modeling tool is data modeling. In particular, the underlying method and the tool implementation support the handling of large data models and their transformation to the relational model.

The SERM modeling method has been invented by Prof. Dr. Elmar Sinz (University of Bamberg) and described in various publications. In addition to its use in multiple courses on conceptual modeling, databases and business informatics it has also been taken up by industry for dealing with large and complex database schemata.


This project deals with data modeling according to the Structured Entity Relationship modeling approach. The current implementation has been created within a student project carried out by Thilo Maximilian Glässner, Florian Heumann and Luca Keßler under the supervision of the SEDA team consisting of Felix Härer, Andreas Steffan and Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Fill. The packaging of the modeling tool for the deployment as an MS Windows package has been accomplished by Benedikt Reitemeyer.