Area of Application
The platform assists end users to easily develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) and intelligent robot Applications. Such applications perform a variety of intelligent behaviors such as listening and speaking (speech dialogue), thinking (knowledge based reasoning), seeing and moving (image sensing and motions). One of the future goals of this platform is to support the co-evolution of intelligence (between humans and machines). This will be achieved through the observation of human & machine behaviour; and the discovery of new knowledge.
PRINTEPS is a platform for end users to develop AI applications and a engine to promote variety of AI applications to society.
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This project has been supported by the Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) (2014.10-2020.3).
PRINTEPS (PRactical INTElligent aPplicationS) is a total intelligent application development platform that integrates 5 types of sub systems (knowledge based reasoning systems, speech dialogue systems, human and environment sensing systems, and machine learning systems). PRINTEPS supports end users to participate in AI applications design (user participation design) and to develop applications easily (within hours to days) by combining software modules from PRINTEPS.