

Affiliation: Austrian Institute of Technology

Area of Application

Our approach is based on the application of model-driven architecture (MDA) paradigms (Frankel, 2010) in the design and implementation of security requirements in e-Government applications. In the MDA approach, the security requirements are specified on an abstract level which reflects high level specifications defined by legislation, organizational internal regulations, or the result of a threat analysis. Afterwards, the higher level specifications are translated into software artefacts by automation tools, which can be directly deployed in the actual e-Government environment.

The development of this modelling method is the important part of the whole scenario. We started from using an old Eclipse-based modelling language, adapted it for our project needs and improved it by using ADOxx metamodelling platform.


E-Government refers to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to support and simplify internal and external governmental processes (Digital Austria, 2011). E-Government greatly improves the information, communication, and transactions within and between state institutions as well as between the government and citizens or businesses. In Austria, the “portal group protocol” (PVP) is an important concept in the e-Government system, which enables the participating organizations to use other organizations’ Web applications in a secure manner. PVP provides a federated identity management scheme, which allows government units to use their local user administration and access control processes and systems to be used with external applications.