Welcome to Web Model Navigator

The Web Model Navigator provides the opportunity to learn models created with ADOxx in an explorative step-by-step approach. Some example models are provided for everyone. To use to full service, please login.


Model Export Script Integration
To integrate the model export script into ADOxx, you have to perform the following steps:
  1. Open and login to the ADOxx Development Toolkit
  2. Open "Extras" > "File management"
  3. Click "Import" and upload the "WebModelNavigator.asc" and the "curl.exe" file
  4. Open the "Library management" > Tab "Settings" > Click on the Dynamic Library of the Library you want to use the export script > Click "Library attributes"
  5. Open tab "Add-ons" > Adapt the links in the following code snippet and add it in the "External coupling" text field:
################## WEB MODEL NAVIGATOR ##################
ITEM "Start Web Model Navigator" modeling:"Navigator"
  analysis:"Navigator" simulation:"Navigator"
  evaluation:"Navigator" importexport:"Navigator"
SETG sWebModelNavigatorURL:"http://modelnavigator/uploads"
SETG sOmilabWebserviceURL:"http://omilab/modelnavigator"
EXECUTE file:("db:\WebModelNavigator.asc")
Afterwards the Web Model Navigator can be started from the menu under "Navigator" of the ADOxx Modelling Toolkit.
Metamodel Integration
If you want to use a metamodel that the Web Model Navigator does not know yet, you have to perform the following steps:
  1. Open and login to the ADOxx Development Toolkit
  2. Open the "Library management" > Tab "Management" > Click on the Library you want to export > Click "XML Export"
  3. Choose a filename and export the metamodel
  4. Open and login to the Web Model Navigator
  5. Click "Metamodels" then click "New Metamodel"
  6. Select the exported metamodel XML file and upload it
  7. On the configuration site check the name and version and safe the metamodel
The name and version of the metamodel can be configured through the configuration site. There you can also propose a metamodel for everyone.