News: MEMO4ADO 1.1 Released – Available under Tool-Download
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The modeling tool MEMO4ADO implements a subset of
MEMO, a method for
Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modeling, developed at the
Chair of Information Systems and Enterprise Modeling at the University of Duisburg-Essen. MEMO encompasses a set of integrated domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) to describe and interrelate varied aspects of an enterprise, covering both its organizational action system (including goals, organizational structure, and business processes) and information systems (including IT infrastructures and object models).

MEMO4ADO implements a carefully edited subset of MEMO, providing one of the most comprehensive and elaborate enterprise modeling environments available today. The current tool version implements parts of six integrated domain-specific modeling languages. This includes languages to model organizational goal systems (MEMO GoalML), organizational structures (MEMO OrgML: Structures), business processes (MEMO OrgML: Processes), IT infrastructures (MEMO ITML), decision processes (MEMO DecisionML), and business performance indicators (MEMO MetricML).
MEMO4ADO enables to create various diagram types covering these different areas of an organization (e.g., goal system diagrams and business process diagrams). In addition, diagram types are available which permit to interrelate elements from the different specific perspectives (e.g., diagrams interrelating goals and organizational structures), such as to achieve a truly integrated, multi-perspective view of an enterprise.