
Keywords: Requirements engineering

Affiliation: University of Vienna

Area of Application

The i* framework (Yu 1995) is currently one of the most widespread goal-oriented and agent-oriented modeling and reasoning methods in the field. It supports the construction of models that represent an organization or socio-technical system, together with its constituent processes, as an intentional network of actors and dependencies.


i* is a widespread framework in the software engineering field that supports goal-oriented modeling of socio-technical systems and organizations. At its heart lies a language offering concepts such as actor, dependency, goal and decomposition. i* models resemble a network of interconnected, autonomous, collaborative and dependable strategic actors. Around this language, several analysis techniques have emerged, e.g. goal satisfaction analysis and metrics computation. In this work, we present a consolidated version of the i* language based on the most adopted versions of the language. We define the main constructs of the language and we articulate them in the form of a metamodel. Then, we implement this version and a concrete technique, goal satisfaction analysis based on goal propagation, using ADOxx. Throughout the chapter, we used an example based on open source software adoption to illustrate the concepts and test the implementation.