2nd Workshop "OMiLAB: An Environment to Design and Develop
Modelling Methods for Next-Generation Enterprises"
Event associated to the 9th IFIP WG8.1. Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling- POEM
Trends like Enterprise Mobility, Cloud Computing, Internet-of-Things, Cyber-Physical Systems and Factories-of-the-Future present profound challenges for today’s enterprises. They concern both technological and organizational aspects that need to be taken into account for realizing innovative, user-centric, and sustainable solutions. Enterprise modeling offers a concept to cope with these challenges by using machine processable languages to facilitate the interaction with complex business and technological scenarios, by engaging in knowledge management and by supporting organizational engineering. It thus directly contributes to the design, implementation, use, and evaluation of solutions. The OMiLAB symposium aims to discuss these trends can be supported through agile modelling concepts and tools.
- Tuesday, November 8th, 2016, 2 p.m. – 6 p.m.
- University of Skövde, Building "Portalen", - Sweden. For directions and information about the venue please consult the POEM conference website.
You can download the workshop agenda and all other relevant information here.
For information and registration, please contact us at events@omilab.org. Alternatively you can register via the conference website at http://www.his.se/Poem20/poem2016/Registration and select the workshop participation.
Participants of the OMI Symposium can register for the Main Conference, or they can decide to register only for the OMI Symposium. There is only a small handling fee of 100 SEK if you want to participate only for the OMI Symposium since its costs are covered by a sponsorship. The number of participants of the OMI Symposium is also limited to around 25.
The OMiLAB Workshop is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project “OMI-Open Models Initiative”, www.omilab.org, funded with support from the European Commission. This workshop reflects only the view of its organizers, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. | ![]() |